Friday, October 14, 2005


don't you sometimes feel the urge to jump?

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Online Comic Idea

hi peeps

im thinking of doing this online comic
problem is time, and the solution I see is if I sketch at least every other day, I could post a panel two to three times in a week
but that's just about it, it'd be in sketch, not fleshed out, un-inked, black and white.
i'd be doing all of this totally digital of course, now the thing I want to ask all of you is would you follow reading it if the art wasn't that "finished"?

here's a sample of a finished panel

and very-unfinished panel

Its not like I want to earn money for this, i just want to find out if there will be people reading it (sometimes writing and drawing just for yourself doesn't motivate you that much), I just want to share this story to as much people as I can, because I've been excited about doing it for a long, long time.

It would be great to hear from you peeps