Saturday, September 10, 2005

semi trance

Do you remember that unbelievable feeling you get when you're in a new relationship? That 'feeling' that what you have is just a dream, that you really aren't in a relationship with this new person. It's usually the first month jitters, when you still can't believe this other person is in love with you, and you to that person.

Well I recently discovered that moving on has that similar 'unbelievable feeling'. I can't believe that I am in some way moving on. Can this be? Am I really moving on? Is this what moving on feels like?

It's liberating at the same time depressing.

Thus the image above, a smiling person, who still feels sad, albeit truly happy.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Full of Grace

Sketched when I suddenly heard Sarah Mclachlan's Full of Grace

I don't know why, but this song, gets me so depressed and reminds me of sad things. I've realized long ago, that I am the sort of person who would rather be sad than be happy most of the time. At least when I'm sad, I can look forward to all the happy moments I can have. I was surprised however one time, when a person I barely knew, asked me "if you're normally this cheery, I wonder how you are when you're happy?" So even if I'm all melancholic and sad, I guess I still come out as a bubbly asshole.

The perfect recipe for depression? = listen to all Sarah Mclachlan's albums.
It helps you appreciate all the nice things you have in your life.

Jopar - your friendly neighborhood beggar

I've always wanted to draw a daily strip.

Consider this my first attempt at social commentary/comic strip.

Jopar is how I see myself if I wasn't working. I'd be a out in the streets, doing social commentary, ranting against The Man, and begging for food/money.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


I'm a totally impressionable person.

Bombast me with action movies, and I'm doing somersaults and kung fu kicks. Show me a couple of Comedy movies, and I'm writing my one-liners for my debut at those amateur nights. Have me watch a few sappy, romantic movies and I'm desperately wanting to be with someone, someone to hug, someone to love. Same goes for books, images, and music. Music transports me, I appreciate all sorts of music, from rock, punk rock, some hip hop, and of course senti, mushy, cheezy music. This sketch was made while I was listening to Peter Gabriel's "Book of Love". I first heard this song when I watched "Shall We Dance", I dunno, the mis-en-scene and music got me to shed a few tears.

I guess this drawing is me, listening to Book of Love and feeling sad.

Para - Normal

This story has been brewing in my head for months, and I can't seem to put this story into paper. But it gave a good story to finally start my Online-Comic dream.

When I was first introduced to the internet (a good 15 years ago), I always dreamt of publishing my own comic online, for free of course (that was before I realized I needed money to survive). I then realized how hard it was to write your work, draw it, ink it, scan it, then photoshop it, then scale it down, then upload it. The whole process seemed to tedious for me to devote too much time on, although my creative juices needed to go somewhere. Fast forward 15 years later, with my Wacom Intous Tablet (oo, pinagyayabang ko, sorry, hehe), I can skip the inking, scanning and some photoshopping, I can draw digitally and it seemed to answer my prayers. So now when I have the time, I try (yes, try) to work on this comic. I'm hoping for a December release, hopefully I can follow through. It's set in the Philippines, that's all I can say for now. A lot of potential for this story, I've
actually done the whole story, I just have to script it and tighten the whole run. Probably fifteen episodes. Enjoy :)

Image-a-Paloooza ! ! !

I've got a few stuff that I've been wanting to post online.
Again more of my sketches rather than finished work.

This first one is one of my decent looking (for me of course) attempts at coloring a human face.

The next one is an attempt to make a semi-serious, non cartoonish drawing of a sad, depressed guy. I nearly always feel like this (but not in the depressed suicidal way). But I stopped coloring it once I realized that his pose was a bit gay-ish. No offense to homosexuals out there, but I don't want to do gay art, I don't feel comfortable with it.

And this is a caricature of how I see myself. hehehe.